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Shockwave (ESWT) &
For Treatment Of 
Early Ejaculation(PE) & Erectile Dysfunction

Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) is a machine that emits low pulses of shockwaves to the arteries directly, not just stimulating and improving blood flow, but also induces Angiogenesis (the formation of new blood vessels). It helps in :

  • Improving Circulation 

  • High Quality Erections and Better Performance naturally

  • Synergistic and Boosts Effects of Oral Medications for erectile dysfunction

  • Makes Plaques More Friable : reducing curvature for peyronie's disease

  • Painless and non-invasive.

  • No downtime

For more details, contact us for a detailed consultation, assessment and explanation of therapy.

Other Benefits of Shockwave Therapy

It activates the body's natural repair system.

  • The effects last a long time.

  • Corrects the underlying cause of ED. in vasculogenic ED resulting from loss of blood supply. ESWT generates better blood flow to the area by facilitating the development of new blood vessels in the cavernosal tissues of the penis.

  • No anesthesia or sedation needed for the procedure.

  • Improving hardness, girth and quality.


Why Choose

Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy?


You can feel your "PELVIC FLOOR MUSCLE" when you try to stop urinating halfway or when you are trying to stop the ejaculation. Imagine the muscle is like a "door", if the wall is weak, its very difficult to hold the ejaculation. With a strong muscle, these will help in holding the ejaculation much more easier thus improving your performance. 
Other than that, it can also help in:​
  • Prevent bladder and bowel weakness
  • Improve and maintain healthy erectile function
  • Reduce pelvic pain
  • Naturally boost intimate sensations

With the P.E. PELVIC FLOOR MUSCLE CHAIR THERAPY, it will help doing the kegel exercise for you up to 12 000 TIMES in a single session.

  • How many sessions will I need?
    Different individuals will need a different number of sessions. Individuals with more severe ED may require more sessions. We typically go by 6 sessions or 12 sessions as followed by protocol. You may opt for twice or three times of ESWT sessions per week.
  • How often should you repeat ESWT?
    It is advisable to repeat the ESWT 1-3times per year as maintenance.
  • Are there any side effects from this therapy?
    There is literally NO side effects from ESWT, further proving to be a effective and safe choice of therapy for ED.
  • What should I prepare prior to ESWT?
    Patients need not worry about any prior preperation for ESWT! No prior fasting required, only to be present for the doctor to perform the therapy on.

A* Ilah

5 star experience, they really know how to make u comfortable, importantly problem solved! thank you doc.

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Terima kasih He Medical Clinic Saya telah hadir ke klinik dan dapatkan rawatan pada 21 Mei 2022. Masalah kesihatan yang dihadapi oleh saya telah selesai dengan 1 kali rawatan sahaja iaitu rawatan ESWT. Penerangan yang jelas oleh Dr Lim dan beliau sangat profesional. Dr lim akan beri cadangan kepada client apa rawatan yang perlu dibuat mengikut bajet client. Thank you so much HE MEDICAL CLINIC. Saya tak percaya perubahan yang berlaku setelah menjalani rawatan😍😍😍😍. Kepada lelaki yang mempunyai masalah kesihatan berkaitan lelaki, jangan tunggu lama.. hadir ke klinik ni untuk dptkan rawatan "I highly Recommended". InshAllah masalah anda akan selesai.

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Suh*** Sa***

Men with men health issues should visit this clinic. At first, I had issues with my erection, my life was terrible. I googled and found this clinic. Just tried. Immediately after the 1st therapy, I regained my erection. I chose the 12 sessions wave therapy. I really enjoy my life again. Men should not keep your problems. Visit this clinic.

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