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Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy

勃起功能障碍体外震波治疗(Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy)

震波全名为体外震波疗法,是一种采用转换器(transducer)发射低频率微波(low frequency shockwave)刺激阴茎内血管血液循环的机器。此外,它也能刺激阴茎内新血管的产生,使它成为治疗勃起功能障碍治疗的方法之一。震波有助于:   

  • 促进血液到达阴茎顶端的流畅

  • 和勃起功能障碍口服药有协同作用,能够提高口服药的效应

  • 潜有勃起功能障碍的长期解决方案

  • 使佩洛尼氏病(Peyronie’s disease),阴茎内的伤疤软化,减少阴茎的弯曲

  • 无疼痛,非入侵性疗程

  • 治疗后没有“停机时间”



  • ​持久的效果

  • 能够治疗勃起功能障碍的根源. 比如,由血液循环不足造成的勃起功能障碍。震波通过促使更多新血管的产生,有效的增进阴茎内的血液循环。

  • 无需任何麻醉药,甚至药物的治疗

  • 改善勃起的硬度,质素

震波除了能够医治勃起功能障碍以外,也有助于之其它和阴茎有关的病, 比如佩洛尼氏病(Peyronie's Disease), 早发性射精(早泄),甚至和前列腺有关的疾病。震波能够使佩洛尼氏病,阴茎内的伤疤软化,有效的减少阴茎的弯曲




首先,病人将在床上仰卧 ,而医生将在床边用震波机器的转换器(transducer) ,在阴茎的皮肤表面上开始发出微波。疗程过程中,医生将限定的脉冲波分布于阴茎各部分。一次疗程将花费15-20 分钟。





  • How many sessions will I need?
    Different individuals will need a different number of sessions. Individuals with more severe ED may require more sessions. We typically go by 6 sessions or 12 sessions as followed by protocol. You may opt for twice or three times of ESWT sessions per week.
  • How often should you repeat ESWT?
    It is advisable to repeat the ESWT 1-3times per year as maintenance.
  • Are there any side effects from this therapy?
    There is literally NO side effects from ESWT, further proving to be a effective and safe choice of therapy for ED.
  • What should I prepare prior to ESWT?
    Patients need not worry about any prior preperation for ESWT! No prior fasting required, only to be present for the doctor to perform the therapy on.
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